I'm grateful for a 3-ish day weekend and can't imagine there being an additional school day each week - the blessed fri-day. really. it's alittle strange..
So, today marks my completion of full-time all day student teaching. Granted, I still have 3 weeks left, but no longer will i be in charge of 20 children at once for the whole day of school. The past four weeks have been wearing, but good. I've definately learned things: what to do, what not to do, strategies that help me manage the children, stategies that don't help me manage them.... bah. the management stresses me out sometimes..
This week wendy came to our classroom and talked with the children about Mexico. it was really fun. and exciting for me - both to show her what my life is like at school and to let the children meet and interact with her. She's really great with kids. aka. will be an excellent mother one day....among many other things.. haha. :)
In other regards, the women's retreat through church is this weekend. in the mountains. i'm sure it will be beautiful - the changing leaves and rest. in particular - no work on saturday!. ra ra.
Also, i've been missing my family more lately. I think cause they've been all together without me for several weeks now..i guess in about a month i'll get to see them. beth probably soonerrrrrr. right.?.
well i have to go to work. hmmmmmmmm. coffee sounds helpful at the moment. :/.
k- what movie is this from: "give me the down low." "low down." "no doubt." ... :) - good luck!