mmm. so it's august now.. summer is closing. for me.. i start the process of student teaching - whatever that may be - in two weeks.
Tomorrow (later on this morning) my good roomate, amy, and I are driving up to chicago for a few days and then on to ohio - to stay with my parents for the rest of the week.. I'm really excited. to get away. to travel a bit. to remember there's a lot more out there. "out there." yay.
I'd like to take more pictures of things.this is something I might do on this mini-vacation. we'll see... it's usually "we'll see." hahah. quote unquote.
it's late.... the other night i was hanging out with friends - we were playing card games. and, yea, it was fun, but i really didn't like myself that evening - i felt sort of obnoxious. do you ever step outside your body and watch yourself be, just be - in several foreign, unflattering moments? that's how it was. normally, i'm fine with who I am, but once in awhile, i become this person that i wish would recoil back..
I don' t know. mummbling needs to go. :). anyway, i need to sleep... bye bye.