Monday, June 29, 2009

tender is a funny word.. haha. i think more people should use it. use it today.

moon dae

summer is too hot..for a car with no air con....ditioning.. oh, the philippines...bah ha.
what i would give for a greeeeen mango shake... i do not know. its a tender wish...

I started class for the full second summer session today. am feeling slightly stressed out with having so much school this summer and less time for work.. i guess, I realize its just this time of my life or whatever.. maybe it's also a part of learning to trust in God's provision - or realizing he's the one that provides for everything anyway..
wow, i need to be more aware and thankful for that.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

one weekend

i'm pooped. its saturday. and i finally don't have anything to do... its been busy this past week - school, work, meeting. meeting is singular - yes, but i've found whiney cases to be more effective when the list is longer...? :p.

also, i gave blood today.. in a blood connection bus. they parked behind work. actually, i was still on the clock while i gave blood. so i sort of got paid for doing it..harhar. quite a treat. my blood pressure is 102/66.

ohh. my good friend anna has called. i'm going to the park. : )

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

my oh my

If i were a red orange tea kettle. this is how i'd be. bright like a tomato. i wish i liked tea abit more.. isn't it true that the tea drinker is better off than the ones who drink coffee so much.?

anyway, it's impossible to focus on schoolwork in the summer... or anytime. i'm so ready to be done with it. this upcoming fall i'll be student teaching in a Montessori classroom - which 1) i'm looking forward to, but at the same time 2)dreading and afraid of... it's a lot of work . alot of lesson plans.. the boringish stuff that takes too long.

Also, my sister, sarah, had a baby tonight!!. a baby boy. i'm sure he's strong...and lovely. cannot wait to meet himmm.

Fuzzy Owl.. she holds things like yogurt mixed with orange juice, water, and coffee..


Monday, June 22, 2009


sometimes the bugs gross me out..

the first day..

so, this is alittle odd - making a blog. but, whatever. thats fine...... yes. yep.

I've been feeling out of sorts the past few days. . ansy to move around. the house i live in has a lot of bugs. and its okay - i just feel dirty when guests come over. they have this social expectation for me to kill the bugs or do something, when normally i don't pay that much attention to the critters. little bitties. bug a roos.

I have to go finish a paper.
This design is made with Montessori sensorial materials.. the pink tower and the red rods.. hmm.